Mt Royal Cr FIXED, Ryback's lobbying paid off !
Mt Royal Cr FIXED, Ryback's lobbying paid off !
Mt Royal Cr. FIXED, Ryback's lobbying paid off !
Mt Royal Cr. FIXED, Ryback's lobbying paid off !

need a left turn signal for westbound ness traffic to turn south onto Mt royal

Pavement - Potholes have been one of the biggest stories and issues before City Council. 
Ryback advocated several times over the past year for a greater investment in road and sidewalk repairs and improved snow clearing and ice maintenance. He even reached out to the Finance Committee Chair in early April speculating that potholes would be at an unprecedented level and suggesting the City should take proactive measures for emergency funding. 
It shouldn't take three years to get a heaved sidewalk fixed. 
Combat Climate Change - MOVE TRAFFIC BETTER !
Ryback provided several examples and recommendations to Council throughout 2021 to improve traffic flow and reduce carbon emissions. Improvements are needed at intersections for turning and merging. Traffic flow needs to become more efficient.
Ryback aims to fix that.

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